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    Utiliser "get done" dans une phrase

    get done exemples de phrases

    get done

    1. His dad always said that, but if Johnny never helped with the dishes, quite frankly, they would never get done

    2. There were a few things he needed to get done today and he was already in the garden

    3. The general public and hostages also have Human Rights! Can you imagine the outcry if the police sniper failed to shoot the firearm out of the hostage taker’s hand he subsequently kills a hostage? Why take a chance with innocent lives I ask? Take him out and get done with

    4. Once, being obnoxious according to the perplexed Chaplain, I asked why the issued Bible repeated itself in the first four books of the New Testament and would it not be better just to choose one gospel and get done with? It was not as if you needed more than one statement on the same subject because the Apostles were fairly reliable witnesses and would not any of the gospels do? And then add something practical, like Proverbs perhaps? He had no answer, and just shook his head and muttered to himself under his breath about the obnoxiousness of Flying Squad members

    5. Do you wish for me to endure a thousand years year of extreme boredom while I wait for the convicted criminals and terrorists to escape from hell so that we can kill them again once and for all at Armageddon? Why not just kill them now properly and get done? I think the system in heaven is ineffective and the known intelligence is poorly utilized

    6. the things that they don't get done

    7. lead to at least the smallest motivation, which is often all you need to fully plunge into a job that you need to get done

    8. her about some stuff I wanted to get done on the house, and she was

    9. "We need to hurry," said Sam, as he remembered that there was plenty that they needed to get done

    10. Every morning while grandma was having her coffee, and listening to the news, I worked on the things Harriet wanted me to get done before she got back

    11. Bob explained he needed a favor, something he couldn’t get done in Tokyo without raising questions

    12. “Well, hang up then so I can get done talking to my girl,” Richard chuckled

    13. There is a need to build a team spirit at home, to treat family activities as truly group activities – family members should all have a say in what does and does not get done

    14. It’s often viewed as an intimidating, difficult, and boring process … and that means it doesn’t get done as often as it should

    15. “And they're not going to get done with you standing there, with your hand on your head,” said Jags

    16. ” She said as she swiped his cheek with her lips, and whispered, “Unless you get done early and then I’ll be waiting for you in your room

    17. Soon he would know he could get done what needed and still find her safe when he came back

    18. Maybe if I get done early, me and the misses could come over for a little beer and B

    19. Probably thinks if she don’t do then the work won’t get done, not ever knowing the rest and peace she could have in the Lord because of her business and running to and fro

    20. “It’s time to stop pointing fingers, passing the blame and responsibility onto others, and collectively agree that it has to get done

    21. I walked two miles to work and only had twenty minutes to get there because I had chores I had to get done before I could go

    22. and trying to get done to her real reasons for asking for this space

    23. My days, like footprints across time, leave a spoor; some small evidence of my passing, regardless of what I did not get done

    24. I have a bunch of things I need to get done today

    25. “She will be as soon as I get done with her,” Tynice said as she stepped out into the hall and into the kitchen

    26. When I get done, no one will hire her, he thought

    27. Say that I was involved big-time and I’d get done in too

    28. � That doesn't mean that evil doesn't get done by certain people

    29. � Of that fifty, 20 you accomplish splendidly, 20 you do with solid competence, nine you get done with some struggle, but they all work out

    30. If Bruce can pull a rabbit out of a hat and get done sooner, Maurice can do some inspections

    31. It is hard for me to understand how there isn’t anything we cannot get done if we work at it

    32. “Gah-damn, I told you, things get done in here

    33. Things always get done

    34. The wider the berth they gave him around here, the more he could get done, and the more secure his masquerade

    35. There was still plenty of time for what he had to get done

    36. If anything were to get done, it included wasted money on earmarks that include the infamous Alaskan bridge to nowhere and public works projects that were far from necessary

    37. Things get done quickly and efficiently because decisions are being made in real-time by those closest to the customer

    38. It seemed to Tom that his schoolmates never would get done holding inquests on dead cats, and thus keeping his trouble present to his mind

    39. "Sure, that's how women and other things get done!" said Doone, eyes shut

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